The New Church is the religion that grew alongside William Rockefeller's Empire of America. William and his military forces consolidated political power, while the New Church consolidated control of the spiritual sphere. The New Church and William supported each other ideologically, the Church issuing edicts and having pastors preach in favour of William's forces.
The New Church grew out of the evangelical fundamentalist churches of America in the 20th and early 21st centuries. Hallmarks of the theology of the New Church include a literal interpretation of the bible, an attachment to the King James version of the Bible, and a doctrine of racism, sexism and class-ism.
The New Church is more hierarchical than it's grassroots precursors. It is ruled by the Council of Elders, who are pastors chosen by the Council itself when an existing member dies. The New Church's ultimate terrestrial authority is the First Elder, who is elected by the Council.
The monarch of the Empire of America also holds the title of Defender of the Faith, giving him or her a technical seat on the Council of Elders, though neither William I nor Victoria I have ever used this authority.