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A note on language: all the terms for Jedi powers and philosophy are translated from the alien Headmaster's own language. As such, there is sometimes no exact English translation for the term, so several similar terms are provided for clarity.

To use the Force to perform an action, a PC needs to use a Discipline combined with either a Virtue or a Temptation.


Disciplines are the power attributes. Your score in a discipline determines what you can do with it. A score of zero (0) means that you cannot use that discipline at all.

Score Unseen Hand (telekinesis)
1-4 Lift/move small objects like coins slowly.
5-9 Push/pull small objects quickly. Lift/move people sized objects slowly. Boost own movements slightly
10-14 Move small objects with detailed control. Push/pull people sized objects quickly. Lift/move larger objects. Boosted leaps
15-19 Move people sized objects with detailed control. Push/pull large objects. Reinforce held objects. Double jumps
20-24 Move large objects with detailed control. Deflect with the mind alone. Levitate self
25+ Size matters not. Control fine enough to start moving electrical charge
Score Whispered Thought (telepathy)
Score Unified Destiny (precognition)
Score Body Under Will (psychometabolism)


The Force can only be used by a mind following the four Virtues of the Jedi - or the four Temptations of the Sith.

Virtue Description
Compassion This is similar to the Buddhist concept of Karuṇā. Empathy and care for living things and a wish to see them freed from suffering.
Selflessness Similar to the Buddhist concept of Anatta. An absence of ego, abandonment of pride and personal focus.
Calm/Peace Quiet, serene ease. A lack of striving and acting with patience and unhurried equanimity.
Submission A removal of attachment to one's own goals and desires, surrendering to the flow of fate, to the Path. To let go of trying to control the future, and simply exist in the moment and act in the current situation.


The temptations of the Dark Side. Quicker, more seductive. Using the Force through the Temptations can seem like a good idea, and an inattentive student can be deceived that the path of the Dark Side is the right one. How can it be wrong to be passionate? How can it be wrong to… love?

Temptation Description
Ego Attachment to the self as distinct from others. Putting one's self first. Self-aggrandizement.
Control Imposing one's will on the world. Attachment to desired outcomes over the development of fate.
Freedom Independence over unity. A refusal to be bound by the rules of man and nature.
Passion/Rage/Fear Acting from emotion, noise over peace, chaos over order.

Force Points

Force points can be spent to boost a single action, adding the points spent to the total of Virtue/Temptation + Discipline. Light Side points can only be spent on actions using Virtues, and Dark Side points can only be spent on actions using Temptations.

Ten Force points can be redeemed during a dramatic action to permanently increase a Virtue/Temptation by one.

Force points are gained by using Force powers - each use of a power with a Virtue gains the character a Light Side point, and each using a Temptation a Dark Side point. The more you use each side of the Force, the easier it gets to do it again.

Skills and Knacks

Skills and Knacks cover the mundane parts of a character. These are the unique traits that the character has picked up outside of the Path of the Jedi. This can include things like “Kung Fu”, “Computer Programming”, “Baking”, or “Has a Sweet Motorbike”. These are all traits that equate to things that can be found in the real world of 2017 - no super-science or magic, this is the stuff of Earth.


Action Examples

rpg/jedi_of_earth/rules.1489977396.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/28 17:08 (external edit)