“I make a mental note of this place as a hotbed of rebellion.”
“PONY rebellion.”
“Tiny, tiny pony rebellion ”
“Dammit, he's grown wings again. I hate it when he does that.” (Lady Emma)
“It was obviously a stealthy gorilla.” (Fe)
“Does this gorilla levitate?” (Lady Emma)
Emma's father: “Andrew was abducted by a flying gorilla?”
Emma: “Or he possibly abducted a flying gorilla.”
Emma's father: “Are you suggesting that Andrew is having an affair with a flying gorilla? … Andrew was the gorilla!”
“A California condor flies inconspicuously out the window.” (Ivy, narrating Emma's transformation)
“If only you had a cat with a rocket pack.” (Matt)
“I can't answer the phone right now. I'm busy fighting the man.” (Harry's comrade's busy signal)
“My plans involve breaking bones and threatening to eat people, not blowing up their crotches.” (Fe)
“Lady Hogglesnort's Embarrassing Pants Emporium: for all your shameful shorts needs!” (Matt)
“I know you brought back-up.”
“You didn't know that part of his back-up was Betsy Killyourface.”
“Emma was a puppy.”
“A puppy with paralytic venom!”
“Yes. I licked him. A lot.”
“You could go in your velociraptor.”
“You mean velocipede!”
“Ooh, can I have one of those?” (Margaret/Harry/Ivy/Harry)
“You hear a slight whir as [Norrington's] pants dry themselves.” (Matt)
“I do like cake. I also like having a face.” (Norrington)
“We're abducting a butler.”
“As one does.” (Harry/Margaret)
“We could blindfold him.”
“Or, you know, cut his eyes.”
(Harry and Fe debating what to do with Norrington.)
“Are there pictures [in Jocko's address book]? Do any of them look like a gorilla? Or… Do any of them names like 'Colonel Banana-Pants'?” (Fe)
“Gerald is never going to the bathroom aqain, and the credits roll.” (Matt)
“Note: No one can smell any flying monkeys at this time.”
“Fe hisses and throws half a guard at her.”
“The woman in black does not smell like a gorilla.”
(Emma, various quotes from game log)
“All these steaks will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.” (Matt)
“I should find a good vantage point for shooting.”
“Perhaps a pile of dead thugs?”
“You can't see anything through a pile of dead thugs!”
“You can if you blow holes in them.”
“I was thinking more atop a pile of dead thugs…”
“Now where am I going to find a pile of dead thugs at this time of day?”
“Perhaps the DIY approach…” (Hasib/Harry/Ivy/various others)
Matt: “Fe's got control of the tank.”
Ivy: “Oh, crap - catgirl with a tank! Everyone take cover!”
Matt: “I think I saw an anime like that once.”
Ivy: “We should change the name of this campaign from God Save The Queen To God Save The Rest Of Us. The Queen can take care of herself.”
Matt: “How do you feel about operating the tank gun in the tank that Fe's driving?”
It's not every day you get to be the dragon.“ (Wolf)
“I didn't intend to say Cream of Banana-Pants.” (Matt)
“Margaret descends into the bowels of adventure!” (Harry)
“I'm going to rip the smile off his face. Possibly literally.” (Fe, regarding Dane)
“How many points does he have in moustache?” (Margaret, speaking of Andrew/Charleston)
“The lion's name is now, tragically, Captain Bitey.” (Matt)
“I'm going to kill the bear if I can. And then I'm going to call myself Davy Crockett.” (Fe)
“Another animal has entered the fray - it's a California condor with, um, sort of a miniaturized deer head on it. And it has lasers.” (Matt)
“What?!” (Wolf)
“Oh, now that's not fair!” (Fe)
“Did you just make that up?” (Harry)
“He totally just made that up.” (Dianne)
“WHAT?!!” (Wolf)
“Yeah, I kinda did.” (Matt)
”(disgusted tone) Lasers.“ (Wolf)
“No way, lasers are for sharks.” (Emma)
“Did I kill the bear yet?” (Fe)
”(singing) Killed her a bear, when she was only three!“ (Ivy)
“I am only about three!” (Fe)
”(singing) Felis, Felis Sapiens, queen of the wild frontier…“ (Ivy)
“Cool! Now I have a theme song and a robot sidekick!” (Fe)
“A breakfast cereal can't be far behind.” (Margaret)
“There is not going to be a Fe-themed breakfast cereal!” (Matt)
“Because raw meat doesn't have a long enough shelf life.” (Ivy)
“It would come with the coolest prizes, though.” (Harry)
“Yeah, some dude's arm.” (Fe)
“Shereniel no longer has a head.” (Matt)
“And there was much rejoicing.” (Harry)
”(something about) chicken.“ (Margaret)
“Did you just ask if she tasted like chicken?” (Ivy)
“No, I asked if she was still kicking like a headless chicken. But that's also a good question.” (Margaret)
“Her limbs are still kicking, and she's leaking nanites.” (Matt) “Mayonnaise??!!” (Wolf, over a dodgy net connection) (everyone cracks up)
“Nanites! Nanites! N-A-N-I-T-E-S! Not mayonnaise!” (Matt)
“Well, if she really did taste like chicken…” (Harry?)
“Can I steal a lab tech?” (Harry)
“He won't fit in your pocket.” (Matt)
“Parts of him might…” (Ivy)
“Depends how small you chop him up.” (Wolf)
“I only really need the brainy bit.” (Harry)
“Nobody expects a cyborg gorilla descending from a zeppelin!” (Harry)
rpg/nano-victorian_future/god_save_the_queen/quotes.txt · Last modified: 2013/05/19 17:33 by