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Tessera University

Tessera University is a large school in the north western foothills of the Sehren Empire.

The school is organized into colleges by subject matter. Current colleges include:

  • The Collegia Arcana (wizardry and the study of magic, especially arcane magic)
  • The Collegia Philosophia (philosophy, literature, history)
  • The Collegia Scientum (alchemy, biology, astronomy)
  • The Collegia Technica (engineering, architecture, metallurgy)

Several of the colleges include shops where students can sell the products of their labours under the eye of their professors - the Collegia Arcana sells potions and some Common magical items, the Collegia Scientum sells alchemical products, astrolabes and orreries, and the Collegia Technica sells various technological devices.

rpg/midnight_n_mayhem/tessera_university.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/26 19:22 by curgoth